One of the most important aspects of a washroom refurbishment project is timing. Clients big and small need to know exactly how long their facilities will be out of action, and when they can expect to turn the key to fresh new washrooms. Of course, timing is everything in both businesses and institutional organisations. Schools will thread the line of ensuring their washrooms are ready for the start of a new school term, while a campsite or holiday park will want to make sure building works take place in the off-season to cause minimum disruption. With over 20 years of experience renovating commercial washrooms, we have worked extensively across all sectors and understand the time frames required in every environment – whether that’s an executive washroom, or a hospital grade WC.
The Rule of Thumb
Naturally, washroom refurbishments come in many shapes and sizes. The amount of structural work needed may vary, as will the size and volume of cubicles, flooring and sanitary ware. However, as a rule of thumb for a medium sized commercial washroom refurb, you can work on around 4-6 weeks. This is the time it will take from our team arriving on-site to remove the existing facilities, to the time we hand over your completed washrooms.
Getting Organised
Before we begin your refurbishment works though, we need to agree the design and specification of works. We take great care and pay special attention to detail to make sure you get washrooms that are best suited to your environment, exploring material and sanitary ware options.
By the time we begin work on your refurbishment, we’ll have presented a variety of options and explored critical criteria such as anti-slip and anti-ligature safety measures, durability and anti-vandal features to ensure the maximum longevity of your new wash space, energy saving options such as LED lighting and sensor activation and of course hygiene and infection prevention control. We will also present water and waste options so you can ensure efficient pressure, temperature and usage.
Complete with CAD drawings and 3D visuals, decision makers in your organisation will have a detailed image of how your washrooms will look as well as a clear breakdown of costs and timings.
Project Management
With a dedicated project manager, coupled with our extensive experience in the field, we are able to ensure your project does not suffer from unnecessary hold-ups and delays. With the foresight to spot potential hurdles, we navigate the refurbishment process with an eye to getting a professional job completed as efficiently as possible. From staggered deliveries, working out of hours when needed and full DBS checks, to handling installation in the most effective order, your washroom is managed with extreme precision.
If you would like to get a more specific time frame estimate for your potential project, or to talk more about our full turn-key refurbishment services, get in touch with one of the team today on 01202 650901